Sunday, June 7, 2015

It's been a while

Nearly 10 months.

It's incredible how quickly time can fly by and 10 months have suddenly passed.

I look back over the last 5 years and see how my life and the lives of my family have change (for the better, I think) as we have tried to live a little greener. We eat better, waste less and tend to appreciate the little things more. It has all been a gradual change but many of the changes have been permanent and I think it is because it all happened in small steps, when we were ready. It does get a little harder as the kiddoes get older as there are so many more influences in their lives. I suppose as parents we just hope that the little messages we try to teach embed themselves somewhere in their young minds.

With Plastic Free July less than a month away, it is time to get the focus back on reducing more single-use plastic from our lives. There is a lot that, as a family, we refuse but there are always the little things that sneak back in when we are feeling rushed. I think it is time to do a bit of an audit.

I'm looking forward to getting back into the blogging world and feeling excited about living a more waste-free life.

Take care


  1. I hope you will be back with lots of tips and ideas. Let's make this world a better place!

    1. Thank you. I'm looking forward to getting back into it all.

  2. Hi, welcome back, was just thinking the other day that I hadn't seen anything on your blog for a while! 10 months!? Looking forward to another Plastic Free July :)

    1. Hi, Liz. You look like you have been incredibly busy with the farm, garden and animals. You always inspire me.
      Can you believe it is nearly July again? It just reminds me how quickly time flies by. A bit scary really.


Thanks so much for dropping by. I really appreciate any comments you have to make.

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